Commemorating World Water Day with Waterways Cleanup

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In commemoration of World Water Day, our team embarked on a waterways cleanup along the Kallang Basin route last Friday. Despite being a small group, we managed to collect 40 kg worth of trash, contributing to the preservation of our waterways. Singapore’s history with water is fascinating, transforming from a water-deprived nation to a global leader in water management.

Two fun facts about Singapore’s water:
1.     Two-thirds of Singapore’s land surface is used for water catchment.
2.     Singapore has implemented the Four National Taps strategy. These taps represent different sources of water: local catchment water, imported water, reclaimed water (NEWater), and desalinated water. This diversified approach reduces the country’s reliance on any single source and ensures a stable water supply even during periods of drought or disruption. This innovative strategy has been pivotal in ensuring Singapore’s water resilience.